My YNAB Setup

Getting started with your YNAB budget but feeling a little stuck?

Take a look at mine!

I'm sharing my EXACT
YNAB setup!

PLUS, a template for you to start creating yours TODAY!

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    Lindsey Ciarrocca

    YNAB Certified Budget Coach

    Who am I?

    Hi! I'm Lindsey - Financial Planner,
    YNAB Certified Budget Coach and Certified Money Coach.

    I help female entrepreneurs like you overcome their anxiety and create a more positive relationship with their money so they can use it as a tool to build their businesses, live their Greatest Life and create positive change in the world.

    What will you learn?

    • My exact Category Groups and Categories in YNAB
    • A template to start building your own budget
    • Actions steps to move your budget forward
    • Links to additional resources!